5 Steps To Better Time Management Skills

By Dan O'Brien | Updated: 16 Feb, 2022

Trying to do too much creates a time crunch. Whether it is the innumerable showings, the scheduling, the billing, or just following up leads, time management plays a role. For most of us, time is most assuredly money.

There is obviously a direct trade-off between your time spent working and the money you earn. However, the executive productivity trade-off is also directly tied to the effectiveness of the time spent.

If you often feel drained, lamenting what feels like organized chaos punctuated by minor victories amidst the fray, something is off. Productivity is the shovel that will help you displace that mountain of tasks and responsibilities that are standing between you and real business growth.

But you don’t necessarily need to invest in a complex time management system. Here are 5 ways to improve your time management with best practices that will help you realize meaningful gains.

Five Key Time Management Steps

Focus on goals.

What's the first step of time management? Understanding your goals.

Creating goals gives you lines in the sand that you know you need to pass to achieve success. Whether it is a certain number of calls, leads, meetings, or marketing, the important thing is making them clear and documenting them for yourself. The more specific the goal (like a certain number of listings), the greater your chances of reaching it.

Related: How to Prioritize Your Goals

Set deadlines.

Remember those lines in the sand? Well, now it is time give them a beginning and an end. If you make a goal and set it only for some vague and unclear point in the future, you’ll almost never get there.

Establishing deadlines gives you a barometer with which to judge your progress. If a deadline is rapidly approaching and you are no closer to your goal, then you may need to re-evaluate. Anything of importance should be given a deadline, as it holds you accountable for reaching those goals.

Bonus: let other people know about your deadlines and goals, and watch how often they stay on your mind.

Learn to prioritize.

One of the key steps for time management is prioritizing. You are faced with virtually infinite tasks; how are you choosing what to focus on?

Prioritizing what is important pays real dividends. By figuring out what really matters to your bottom line, you can clarify the smaller steps necessary to achieve your goals.

Stay organized.

The organizationally challenged often over-complicate this, but you don’t need to invest in a complex system or go back to grade school to get organized as an adult. Keep it simple. Spend an hour planning every Sunday and 20 minutes planning every day. Document what you are going to do in a simple list. Then, make a habit of working that list.

Embracing organization and learning to monitor your work allows you to stay productive instead of spinning your wheels without knowing why. Take detailed notes about your work to evaluate its progress, whether that is simply making calls or sending emails.

Delegate, combine, and prune.

Now that you are organized and know what matters, it is time to assign tasks to complete per day. These should be measurable and make sense relative to your goals. You can see what is holding you back as you improve on these tasks.

Perhaps you need to combine certain tasks, such as monitoring your listings and content marketing, so that you are more productive in a small amount of time. As your list of routine tasks increases, you’ll have mastered them and realize that you can practice delegation in the workplace to have more time to do the creative, relationship-oriented work that drives your business forward. A virtual executive assistant can also help you as you achieve your delegation goals and focus on how to grow your business.

Related: How to Delegate Effectively to Be a More Impactful Leader

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