Harvey Public School District

Harvey Public School District is a k-12 public educational institution serving the community of Harvey, North Dakota.  

  • Industry: Education
  • Size: 4 Prialto units

Core Processes We Started With

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Scheduling and Task Management
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Call and Inbox Management
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Recruiting Support
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Grant Research

The Problem

Overwhelmed by administrative tasks

Administrators at Harvey Public School District were overwhelmed by the multitude of administrative tasks they needed to manage, which hindered their ability to focus on their primary responsibilities. As Rob Lukens, the Superintendent of Harvey Public Schools, explains: 

“One of our head Activities Directors is always on the go. He drives a bus, plans events for students, and is constantly working. He doesn’t have time to sit at his desk and handle all the little things that go with being an activities director. Our Head of Business is constantly entering public information into spreadsheets to give to the board. It’s tedious and time-consuming.” 

Lukens faced an even broader array of tasks: 

“I’m in charge of everything. Whether it’s working on grant dollars from the federal government, interviewing potential transportation people, or handling multiple email accounts, I’m constantly pulled in different directions. I even have two cell phones, and sometimes I miss important personal calls. It would be so nice to have someone who could answer calls and manage these tasks.” 


The Goal

Offload office tasks from administrators, enabling them to be more active throughout the school district and focus on their core responsibilities


Our Solution

Prialto provided Harvey Public School District with Productivity Assistants (PAs) who took over a range of administrative tasks. The core processes included:

Scheduling and Task Management

Prialto PAs managed the logistics of meetings and events. This ensured that administrators could stay on top of their busy schedules without being bogged down by the details. The PAs handled tasks such as cybersecurity registration and implementation plans, drafting and editing letters and press releases, and scheduling technology roadshows and site visits.

Call and Inbox Management

Call and inbox management became seamless with Prialto’s support. The PAs organized and prioritized emails, answered calls, and ensured that no important communication was missed. They efficiently cleaned up the Outlook inbox, responded to and forwarded important emails, and provided prompt responses to both personal and professional phone calls.

Recruiting Support

Recruiting support was another crucial area where Prialto PAs assisted the district. They managed job postings, scheduled interviews, and coordinated with candidates. Key tasks included posting positions such as Transportation Coordinator, scheduling interviews for teaching positions, and coordinating meetings with new hires and stakeholders.

Grant Research

Grant research and management was critical for securing funding for the district’s future projects. Prialto PAs took on the task of researching and applying for grants. They researched grants under the US Education Department and other foundations, contacted vendors and suppliers for quotations and site visits, and managed ongoing grant applications to ensure compliance with deadlines. 



Prialto's remote executive assistant service has empowered Harvey Public School District to optimize their administrative processes, enhance productivity, and achieve their goals more efficiently. PA’s efforts in grant research have secured crucial funding including  $1,035,000 in EPA rebate funding to purchase 3 clean energy school buses. This will provide lasting impact across the whole Harvey community. The partnership with Prialto and their management of emails and calls has also improved communication and reduced stress significantly. 


"Prialto’s assistants could be my life saver this year. We have been utilizing Prialto to keep the onslaught of meetings organized and effectively use AI to assist in school-wide communications.

The time I am saving on not deleting emails alone is saving the district thousands of dollars. As well, [my assistant] seems to get more and more how I work, and she does not complain... My superintendent mentor told me I need to find people who help you when you don’t ask. [My assistant] is a person that does that for me."     

- Rob Lukens, Superintendent 

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