How to Create Unforgettable Client Experiences

By Dusti Arab | Updated: 13 Mar, 2018

You've landed a client. Great! Now, it's time to make sure they stick around.

Acquiring new business costs five times more than keeping around your current clientele, giving even the average business owner an obvious financial incentive to make sure their people are satisfied. 

Unfortunately, satisfied isn't good enough. 

60-80% of all customers state that merely being satisfied by an experience isn't enough for them to use an adequate service again. If that's the case, then making sure your customer feels connected to your brand is imperative for achieving real growth in your niche.

So how can you create the kind of experience that makes a client feel connected to your company? It's as simple and as complicated as making sure they know you understand their pain points? 

Today, we've brought together a list of some of our favorite ways to create a memorable experience for clients that leaves them saying, "Wow!"

1. Say hello. (And thank you and happy birthday and...)

Great client engagements require a lot of communication, but if you want to take it to the next level, make sure you're making it clear that their day-to-day matters to you.

Services like Paperless Post can make it quick and easy to send beautiful, on-brand digital cards. If you're looking for a more handwritten touch, Scribeless offers simple and beautiful handwritten notes. 

2. Give an unforgettable gift.

A gift doesn't have to be expensive to have an impact - but a high-end gift given at the perfect time can turn a happy client into an evangelist for your company. We've curated two lists of luxury gifts for clients here and here to save you time searching for the perfect fit.

3. Remind them why you're the expert.

What's your business all about? If you're a productivity expert, send them Aqua Notes so they don't forget that brilliant idea they had in the shower. If you've connected with someone over a shared love of coffee, choose a subscription box and send them some every month for a year.

You can enhance your overall brand with inexpensive, but brilliantly targeted, swag and gifts - and remember, your clients aren't the only ones who will benefit. They are connected to others who have the opportunity to see these interactions as well. 

4. Anticipate everything

This isn't your first rodeo. You know enough about your buyer and their journey to understand what issues and opportunities are going to come up when they start working with you and your solution. Use what you know to already to address this before they even get there. 

A great example of this is Google popping up a "make a reservation" type of button when I search for a restaurant or even a barber shop. They create a more seamless experience because they already know what your next action is.

Now, you may not be Google, but you do have access to automation technology that can help you figure out how to guide your client to that next step. Performing a customer needs analysis is also a great way to work towards being two steps ahead.

Creating a culture where going the extra mile is the norm isn't easy, but with a little forethought and preplanning, a small investment now can have a significant impact on your bottom line later.